28 December 2021


In April of this year (2021) I published a Blog Post about the integration of the Freemarker Template Engine into Jakarta MVC, the action-based Web UI framework under the hood of Jakarta EE. This Post adds some interesting features to this integration.


The Blog Post Jakarta MVC with FreeMarker demonstrated the integration of the FreeMarker Java Template Engine as ViewEngine into Jakarta EE MVC in a very basic way. Only the implementation of mandatory features have been included. Please have a look at linked article for more about Jakarta EE MVC in general and the integration approach taken.

Beside the mandatory features, the Jakarta MVC specification recommends the implementation of the following features:

  • The MvcConext object should be available in the view engine’s templates

  • Named CDI beans should be resolved and made available for view templates

In this Blog Post we’ll have a look at these features and how they can be implemented with the Freemarker View Engine described in the previous article.

The code snippets presented below are shortened to concentrate to the crucial parts. The complete sample code is hosted on code branch in Github repo.


First we’ll have a look at the MvcContext object and how to integrate it into Freemarker templates. Let’s start with the description of the expected behavior, i.e. with a the specification of the requirement.

For demonstration purposes we create a simple page with endpoint /context, that displays the content of the MvcContext of requests:

public class ContextController {

	public String show() {
		return "context.ftl";

The MVC controller just serves as entry point to the /context page. The referenced Freemarker template will use the mvc field of the template model object to generate the HTML view:

<html lang="en">
  <title>MVC Context</title>
  <h1>MVC Context</h1>
  Application's base path     : ${mvc.basePath}
  Local                       : ${mvc.locale}
  URI (GreetController#hello) : ${mvc.uri("GreetController#hello")}
  URI (GreetController#hi)    : ${mvc.uri("GreetController#hi")}

Please note, that we do not only access plain properties of MvcContext like basePath or locale, but also call the convenience method uri to generate the URI from a controller method’s reference.

To accomplish the described behavior we extend the FreeMarkerViewEngine already described in the first article as follows:

public class FreeMarkerViewEngine implements ViewEngine {

	MvcContext mvcContext; (1)


	public void processView(ViewEngineContext context) throws ViewEngineException {

		Models models = context.getModels();
		models.put("mvc", mvcContext); (2)

1 Injection of MvcContext object which is to be made available in templates.
2 Adding injected MvcContext under key mvc to the MvcModel object.

The MvcContext is a request scoped CDI bean, which can be injected into our Freemarker View Engine. Adding the context under key mvc to the MVC model makes the context available to the Freemarker template.

The MVC’s Model object holds named substitutions to be used in templates. This map-like object is passed into the Freemarker method to process templates.

Requesting the sample controller shown above renders in the Browser to:

MvcContext View

This works fine because Freemarker wraps Java objects contained in the passed in template model into TemplateModel objects. The interface TemplateModel founds the base of a hierarchy of objects, which can be used in Freemarker templates to:

  • resolve simple scalar values

  • reference properties of Java beans

  • call any methods on wrapped Java objects

You’ll find more details in the Freemarker Reference.

Named Bean Resolution

The resolution of named CDI beans is more a bit of challenge. If we look at the standard view engine JSP, which is shipped with Jakarta MVC, named CDI beans are resolved by embedded Jakarta Expression Language (EL). However, Freemarker does not embed EL, but instead has its own powerful template language to evaluate expressions, whicj are eventually relying on Java functionality. Instead of extending Freemarker with the standard Expression Language, it’s a more natural choice to make named CDI beans available to the Freemarker Template Language.

Before diving into the implementation details of named CDI bean resolution for our Freemarker integration, we’re going to describe the expected behavior. This again is not a formal specification of the requirement, but rather a spec by example definition.


The entry point of our test page is a /hi, whereby this the controller’s method expects a name query parameter denoting the person to greet:


    public String hi(@QueryParam("name") String name) {
        models.put("visitor", name);
        return "randomGreeting.ftl";


The MVC controller forwards the request for rendering to the Freemarker template randomGreeting.ftl. As the name suggests, the greeting returned to the user is not hard-coded, but randomly selected from a list of available greetings. The selection mechanism is actually provided by named CDI greetingGenerator:

public class GreetingGenerator {

	private static final List<String> greetingTemplates
                                = Arrays.asList("Hi %s", "Hello %s", "Ciao %s");

	public String select(String name) {
		String greetingTemplate = greetingTemplates
				.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, greetingTemplates.size()));
		return String.format(greetingTemplate, name);

The select method of this CDI bean takes the name of the person to greet as argument and integrates the given name into a randomly selected greeting pattern. With this program logic in place, we’re going to use the named CDI bean in the Freemarker template, i.e. our view, as follows:

<html lang="en">

The named CDI bean is explicitly resolved by the named function. On the returned bean arbitrary methods, like the select, can be called. But it’s also possible to access plain and simple properties from those objects.


The implementation of the described feature is based on the fact, that the Freemarker template engine can be extended by methods on demand. The named method used in the sample template is such a method extension, which need to be registered in the template model in the first place:

public class FreeMarkerViewEngine implements ViewEngine {


    public void processView(ViewEngineContext context) throws ViewEngineException {

    	Models models = context.getModels();
        models.put("named", new NamedBeanResolver());


This registration of the named method is very much the same as we’ve already seen with the mvc context above. In this case the named method is an instance of the NamedBeanResolver class, which implements a standard extension pattern for the Freemarker template engine:

public class NamedBeanResolver implements TemplateMethodModelEx {

	public TemplateModel exec(List args) throws TemplateModelException {
		if (args.size() != 1) {
			throw new TemplateModelException("Wrong arguments");
		SimpleScalar beanName = (SimpleScalar) args.get(0); (1)
		Object namedBean = CDI.current().select(Object.class,
                                                new NamedAnnotation(beanName.getAsString())).get(); (2)
		DefaultObjectWrapper objectWrapper = new DefaultObjectWrapperBuilder(new Version("2.3.31")).build();
		return objectWrapper.wrap(namedBean); (3)
1 The first (and only) argument of the named method is of type SimpleScalar, which should contain the name of the CDI bean to be resolved.
2 The CDI container is used to resolve the named bean.
3 The resolved CDI bean is eventually wrapped into a object, that can be consumed by Freemarker templates.
The SimpleScalar object and the wrapped named bean are derived from the earlier mentioned TemplateModel. Please have a look at the Freemarker Reference for more information about Freemarker, its capabilities and extensibility.

If we now several times navigate to out test page on endpoint /hi?name=Gunther times, a mix of the following three result pages are shown in random order:

Hi Gunther
Hello Gunther
Ciao Gunther

The displayed pages clearly indicates that the (random) output is actually based on the named CDI bean greetingController. The greetingController is a dependent-scoped bean, but the named beans resolved by the NamedBeanResolver class can be of any scope, as long as the scope is active during the processing of the view.


The demo project shows the ease of use of the Jakarta MVC view technology and the simplicity of integrating different template engines. The main reasons for this are mainly because Jakarta MVC is based on the well-known and mature technologies CDI and JAX/RS.

The introduced integration of Freemarker as view engine, in particular the named CDI bean resolution, also demonstrates the power of the Freemarker template engine.

Tags: mvc freemarker wildfly cdi jaxrs java jakarta-ee