22 April 2021


Jakarta MVC is the coming web UI framework under the hood of Jakarta EE. One exceptional feature of Jakarta MVC is the plugable view engine architecture, which allows to integrate different template engines. This Blog post is about the integration of FreeMarker Template Engine with Jakarta MVC.

Jakarta MVC

Action-based frameworks like Spring MVC, Grails, Struts, or Ruby on Rails are due their simplicity and ease of use very popular. The listed frameworks put the HTTP request/response cycle into the center of interest and avoid unnecessary abstractions. However, Jakarta EE (and its predecessor Java EE) provided only the component-based JSF framework for a long time. Because of the high level of abstractions JSF has a very steep learning curve.

The Jakarta MVC specification describes how MVC is built on top of JAXRS, which makes MVC easily accessible for backend developers with JAXRS know how. The Eclipse Krazo Project is the reference implementation of Jakarta MVC.

Because of the difficulties of the hand-over of Java EE from Oracle to the Open Source Community, Jakarta MVC missed the release train of Jakarta EE 8. Nevertheless, the reference implementation is compatible and available for most popular Jakarta EE 8 compliant application servers. For the sample project below I used Wildfly 22.0.1.Final packaged as Bootable Jar in combination with Eclipse Krazo 1.1. Anyhow, in Jakarta EE 9 the MVC standard is finally included.

MVC View Engine

The template engine of the view component of Jakarta MVC can be freely chosen, whereby standard-compliant MVC implementations must provide JSP and JSF as view technology out of the box. The two classes

  • org.eclipse.krazo.engine.JspViewEngine

  • org.eclipse.krazo.engine.FaceletsViewEngine

are part of Eclipse Krazo and implement the view engines required by the standard.

With the intended integration of FreeMarker Java Template Engine it should be possible, to define a controller like the following:

public class GreetController {

	private Models models;

	public GreetController() {
		// no-arg constructor required by CDI

	public GreetController(Models models) {
		this.models = models;

	public Viewable greet(@QueryParam("name") String name) {
		models.put("visitor", name);
		return new Viewable("greeting.ftl");

The entire controller bean is pretty much standard, except that the template of the returned Viewable object points to a FreeMarker template. Given the template file greeting.ftl as:

  <h1>Hello, ${visitor}!</h1>

The application should render as follows when visited by a user:

Jakarta MVC sample application

The visitor’s name, which has been placed into the Jakarta MVC Models object, ends up in the processed FreeMarker template.

FreeMarker Integration

In technical terms, view technologies are provided by implementing the interface javax.mvc.engine.ViewEngine - with Jakarta EE 9 the package name changes to jakarta.mvc.engine.ViewEngine. That means, that the integration of FreeMarker template engine requires the implementation of the ViewEngine interface:

public class FreeMarkerViewEngine implements ViewEngine {

	// FreeMarker configuration is initialized lazily
	private volatile Configuration cfg;

	public boolean supports(String view) {
		return view.endsWith(".ftl");

	public void processView(ViewEngineContext context) throws ViewEngineException {

		Models models = context.getModels();
		try {
			Template temp = cfg.getTemplate(context.getView());
			/* Merge data-model with template */
			Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(context.getOutputStream());
			temp.process(models, out);
		} catch (IOException | TemplateException e) {
			throw new ViewEngineException(e);

	private void ensureInit(ViewEngineContext context) {
		if (cfg == null) {
			synchronized (FreeMarkerViewEngine.class) {
				if (cfg == null) {
					HttpServletRequest httpRequest = context.getRequest(HttpServletRequest.class);
					Map<String, Object> appConfig = context.getConfiguration().getProperties();
					Object viewFolderConfig = appConfig.get(ViewEngine.VIEW_FOLDER);
					String viewFolder = viewFolderConfig != null ? viewFolderConfig.toString() : DEFAULT_VIEW_FOLDER;

					// Create your Configuration instance, and specify if up to what FreeMarker
					// version (here 2.3.29) do you want to apply the fixes that are not 100%
					// backward-compatible. See the Configuration JavaDoc for details.
					cfg = new Configuration(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_29);

					// Specify the source where the template files come from. Here I set a
					// plain directory for it, but non-file-system sources are possible too:
					cfg.setServletContextForTemplateLoading(httpRequest.getServletContext(), viewFolder);

					// From here we will set the settings recommended for new projects. These
					// aren't the defaults for backward compatibility.

					// Set the preferred charset template files are stored in. UTF-8 is
					// a good choice in most applications:

					// Sets how errors will appear.
					// During web page *development* TemplateExceptionHandler.HTML_DEBUG_HANDLER is
					// better.

					// Don't log exceptions inside FreeMarker that it will thrown at you anyway:

					// Wrap unchecked exceptions thrown during template processing into
					// TemplateException-s:

					// Do not fall back to higher scopes when reading a null loop variable:

Because view engines are CDI beans, FreeMarkerViewEngine is automatically picked up by Jakarta MVC as candidate for rendering views. Whether this engine is requested to render views at runtime is a matter of the priority (annotation) and the result of the supports(String view) method call. The standard explains the the selection mechanism in detail.

The configuration of the FreeMarker template engine defines the location to load templates, which requires the Servlet context. Because the Servlet context becomes available with an HTTP request, the lazy initialization of FreeMarker’s Configuration is delayed till the first rendering request arrives. The lazy initialization also makes synchronization and the application of the double-checked locking pattern necessary.

FreeMarker’s Configuration is thread-safe after the last configuration setting is done.

When stripping off the setup and configuration of the template engine, the actual integration into Jakarta MVC boils down to the lines:

   Writer out = new OutputStreamWriter(context.getOutputStream());
   temp.process(models, out);

Beside the stream output writer, which eventually wraps the output stream of the HTTP request, the MVC model mappings need to be adapted to the template engine. Because MVC Models implements Java’s Map interface, this object can be passed directly as model object into the FreeMarker template engine.

The demo project shows the ease of use of the Jakarta MVC view technology and the simplicity of integrating different template engines.

Tags: mvc freemarker cdi jaxrs java jakarta-ee