29 February 2020


When blogging about software topics it becomes quickly compelling to include diagrams into the posts. The project PlantUML for writing UML as diagrams-as-a-code is well suited for those needs. This Blog post is about, how PlantUML is configured with Asciidoc and JBake.


It is really a hype to have everything in version control, namely Git, - and it is always better to version text source than images or binary files. This applies to diagrams, too. With the PlantUML extension Asciidoc offers a way to define diagrams in a declarative way, but include them as images into generated documents, eg. Blog posts like HTML pages.


The use of PlantUML is actually not very difficult to configure. Because my Blog project setup works with JBake’s Maven plugin, we need to add the dependency of jbake-maven-plugin on the diagram extension:


The diagram extension includes PlantUML.

The next and last step is to set some properties in JBake’s configuration file jbake.properties:


If you’re interested in the image directory configuration the Blog post gives more details.


With described configurations in place, UML diagrams can be easily included in Blog posts. The definition:

[plantuml, "asciidoctor-sequence-diagram", "png"]
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response

results in the diagram:

asciidoctor sequence diagram

Because PlantUML includes the Creole markup engine, which offers the definition of simple tree like structures, it’s also possible to create diagrams of directory hierarchies for example. The definition:

[plantuml, "file-system-tree", "png", opts="inline"]
skinparam {
  BackgroundColor transparent
  BorderColor transparent
|_ Element 1
  |_ Element 1.1
    |_ Element 1.1.1
    |_ Element 1.1.2
  |_ Element 1.2
  |_ Element 1.3
|_ Element 2
  |_ Element 2.1
end legend

renders to:

file system tree

Tags: plantuml asciidoc jbake tree blog