01 February 2020


After initially setting up my Blog (see previous post 'JBake Blog with Maven Plugin'), I noticed that the deployment to Github Pages is not fully functional, although with local web server everything works fine. The problems were: 1) images are not shown, 2) navigation to posts, that are hosted in sub-directories, lead to 404 error (page not found). This post is about possible solutions for described issues.


Github Pages was originally designed to integrate static site-generator Jekyll. This may still be the most applied combination. But today it’s also possible to generate a static site using a generator of your choice and publish it with Github Pages. Because my Blog is generated with JBake and only distribution files are pushed to master branch of Github repo, I placed an empty .nojekyll file into the web root. According to the documentation, this tells Github Pages to skip the Jekyll build and just transfer every file hosted in master branch to the web server. However, images are still not deployed and the alternative text is shown instead to the users.


The Github Pages documentation mentions, that images should be kept below an assets folder. This may apply for Jekyll especially, but nevertheless I introduced such a folder and moved the images to /assets/img. Actually, I ended up with two nested folders named assets in the sources of the project. JBake removes one of them during baking of the site, so that the directory structure of the distribution contains only one folder assets possibly required by Github Pages.

To clean everything up a bit, the css, fonts, and js folders are also moved below the /assets directory. This requires adaption of the templates, eg. the header.ftl has to reference the right stylesheets:

<link href="<#if (content.rootpath)??>${content.rootpath}<#else></#if>assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="<#if (content.rootpath)??>${content.rootpath}<#else></#if>assets/css/asciidoctor.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="<#if (content.rootpath)??>${content.rootpath}<#else></#if>assets/css/base.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="<#if (content.rootpath)??>${content.rootpath}<#else></#if>assets/css/prettify.css" rel="stylesheet">

After publishing these changes, the the images embedded in the pages appear as expected.

Pages in Sub-directories

The typical directory structure of a JBake project organizes HTML pages as follows:


The index page is initially presented to the user when he navigates to the web page’s root. From here users may navigate to the individual Blog posts, which are hosted in two level deep sub-directories /blog/<year>. Though, the Blog post in sub-directories were not deployed and navigation to such pages resulted in 404 (page not found) error pages.

The documentation of Github Pages mentions, that the Checks tab of the Pull Requests should be observed for detecting issues during the Github/Jekyll build. But I’ve never seen a single message there. May be this applies to pure Jekyll builds only. In general, I find it hard to get an insight into what happens on Github Pages. To my knowledge, it’t not even possible to get an eye on the actually distributed files hosted by the web server - please drop me an email, if I missed something.

Anyway, to find by trial-and-error out what’s going on during the Github Pages build/deployment, I placed additional index.html files into the directories /blog as well as /blog/2020. Surprisingly, the index page in /blog could be retrieved by the Browser, but /blog/2020 is missing and leads a 404 (page not found) error page. Does the additional level of directories really makes the difference? That’d be far away from being logical. But after merging the directories /blog/2020 to /blog_2020 and moving the Blog posts into the new directory, the navigation to individual posts works fine, even on Github Pages' deployment.


Actually, my enthusiasm for Github Pages diminished quite a bit. The process of build and deployment could be improved to more transparency in principle. In addition, I initially was not aware of the limitation that personal (and organizational) Github pages can only be served from master branch’s root directory, but not like project pages from a /docs folder - the reason for this limitation is not clear to me. (Because of this limitation, I separated sources and distribution files of my project to different branches sources-master and master. The local development is then setup with a single Git repo managing two worktrees.)

However, I’m still excited about JBake, it’s easy to use and always works as expected. In the meantime, I also adapted several templates, which is understandable and also well documented. JBake, really good stuff.

Tags: github-pages jbake blog