27 August 2022


The JBoss CLI, as presented in the last part of this series, is the standard way of configuring JBoss/Wildfly application servers. But there are more options available, some of them we will cover in this article. These options are lesser known and may not be applied very often, but may nevertheless useful in some situations.

CLI again…​

When we talked about JBoss CLI in the first part of the series, we meant the Command-Line Interface of the JBoss management interface, the jboss-cli tool. This CLI allows to submit configuration requests to a running or embedded application server. But the abbreviation CLI is sometimes also used to denote the term Common Language Interface. This language interface defines an intermediate representation called Dynamic Model Representation (DMR). The DMR is a new syntax introduced with JBoss EAP 6 and Wildfly 9 respectively, to describe objects associated with the JBoss/Wildfly management interfaces. Although, DMR represents JBoss/Wildfly configuration just in another way, DMR is flatter than the corresponding XML we know from standalone.xml configuration file. In fact, with DMR all the items are at the same level.

The DMR interface describes requests to query, create or update configuration objects as operations. Such operation requests consist of:


The name of the operation to invoke. All operation requests must include this field and its value must be a String.


The address of the resource to invoke the operation against. This field is a list/array of properties. If the field is omitted the operation will target the root resource. The operation can be targeted at any address in the management model.


Optionally, operations may take parameters.

In the following, we’ll have a look at two implementations of the DMR interface, the REST API and the Java API. But a basic understanding of the anatomy of DMR operations requests is helpful to comprehend any of the API implementations.


The JBoss/Wildfly application servers set up two management interfaces: The native on port 9999, and the HTTP management interface on port 9990. While the jboss-cli command line tool uses the native management port, the management web console and the REST API are available on the HTTP management port.

All management interfaces rely on JBoss DRM to read/update the configuration; also the REST API is based on this feature.

The management API of an application server running locally is available at, and this endpoint accepts JSON POST requests of the format:

    { "operation": "the operation to be performed",
      "address": [
         "the path on which the operation should be performed"
       "optional operation parameters"

Let’s give an example. To check the scan-enabled attribute of the default deployment scanner, for example. For this we would use the following JBoss CLI command:

$ jboss-cli.sh -c /subsystem=deployment-scanner/scanner=default:read-attribute(name=scan-enabled)
 "outcome" => "success",
 "result" => true

Given that the admin user manager with password manager exists in JBoss/Wildfly management realm, the following REST API call will give the same result:

$ curl 'http://localhost:9990/management' --digest -u "manager:manager" --header "Content-type:application/json" -d '{"operation": "read-attribute", "address": [ "subsystem", "deployment-scanner", "scanner", "default" ],"name": "scan-enabled", "json.pretty": 1}' --silent # suppress curl's progress bar
    "outcome" : "success",
    "result" : true

The article JBoss EAP 7 Domain deployments – Part 4: Domain deployment with REST Management API gives more examples of the REST API implementation of the JBoss/Wildfly management interface.

Java API

The Java DMR interface is implemented as so-called detyped management API to control your application server resources - whereby detyped means that the Java API is not type-safe as we’ll see later. The CLI tool that comes with the application server uses this interface, and we can develop custom clients using the API as well.

The detyped API works by making it possible to build up arbitrarily complex data structures using a small number of Java types. The API is very simple: The primary class is org.jboss.dmr.ModelNode, which is essentially just a wrapper around some value. All of the parameter values and return values in the API are expressed using those few types - most of the types are basic JDK types, like java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, etc. In addition, the value can also be of type ModelNode, i.e. the created data structure implements the Composite Pattern. The ModelNode in addition exposes a getType() method, which returns a value of type org.jboss.dmr.ModelType, which is an enumeration of all the valid types of values.

In order to develop a custom management client the following dependency is required in the project setup:


The first step in developing the custom client is to create the management client object. Because the management is typically secured, a CallbackHandler for providing credentials is required. This CallbackHandler is registered with the management client:

    CallbackHandler callbackHandler = new CallbackHandler() {

      public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException {
        for (Callback current : callbacks) {
          if (current instanceof NameCallback) {
            NameCallback ncb = (NameCallback) current;
          } else if (current instanceof PasswordCallback) {
            PasswordCallback pcb = (PasswordCallback) current;
          } else if (current instanceof RealmCallback) {
            RealmCallback rcb = (RealmCallback) current;
          } else {
            throw new UnsupportedCallbackException(current);

    ModelControllerClient client = ModelControllerClient.Factory
        .create(InetAddress.getByName(""), 9990, callbackHandler);

The DMR commands are then built and executed as follows:

    ModelNode op = new ModelNode();

    ModelNode address = op.get("address");
    address.add("subsystem", "deployment-scanner");
    address.add("scanner", "default");


    ModelNode returnVal = client.execute(op);

The pattern to create the DRM operation with the Java API is basically the same as we’ve seen at the REST API: The read-attribute is set in the ModelNode named operation, then the address { subsystem: deplyoment-scanner, scanner: default } is configured and eventually the operations parameter name gets the value scan-enabled gets assigned. Please note, that the order of setting up the different parts of such an operation request does not matter, only the resulting data structure is relevant.

Similar to reading an attribute, the same attribute can be written with:

    ModelNode op = new ModelNode();

    ModelNode address = op.get("address");
    address.add("subsystem", "deployment-scanner");
    address.add("scanner", "default");

    ModelNode returnVal = client.execute(op);

The API offers a lot more features:

  • Asynchronous execution of commands

  • Support of operation headers

  • Composite operations

  • Operations with rollback plan

  • Multi-server responses (for clustered environments)

A comprehensive description of the features of the Java DRM API can be found at Latest WildFly Documentation - The native management API.

XML Transformation with XSLT

Another way to configure JBoss/Wildfly is based on the idea, that the JBoss configuration files like standalone.xml are regular XML files. XML files can be transformed using XSLT, i.e. a valid XML can be generated from a input XML document. Because this approach is mainly tempting for XML specialists (and I’m not one of them), I don’t want to go too much into detail, but suggest to read

The benefits of the XSLT approach are that the JBoss/Wildfly can be configured at boot time (e.g. by the start script) and the application server does not have to run, even not in embedded mode - in fact, the application server must not run at all.

Patching a JBoss/Wildfly configuration using standard Unix tools like sed is the small bother of the XSLT approach.


The presented configuration approaches are not very common, but can be appropriate in some non-standard use cases.

For example, if complex JBoss installations need to be configured, it may be desired to work with rollback plans for deployments or apply composite DMR operations in clustered server installations. Then a custom Java management client may be a good solution.

If the configuration need to be adapted dynamically at startup, then XSLT transformation may be a viable option.

Tags: jboss wildfly