28 August 2021


Java 8 brought lambdas to the Java language, which is a corner stone of functional programming. Although, the functional programming features of Java out of the box are limited, some interesting concepts can be implemented using it. This post is about applying function parameters partially.

Partial Function Application

Partial application refers to the process of fixing some arguments of a function and producing a function of lower arity - actually, the arity is reduced by the number of fixed arguments. To not become to theoretical and I’ll give an example: The function

int add(int a, int b);

adds two integer numbers. If we fix an argument applying the integer number 3, we get the function (in pseudo-code)

partial(add, 3) => int add3(int a)

which returns the sum of 3 and the given integer parameter. While the function add does have the arity 2, the arity of add3 is 1, which is the arity of function add reduced by the number of fixed arguments.

Partial application is sometimes incorrectly called currying, which is a related, but distinct concept.

Functions in Java

Functions in Java are represented by objects implementing a functional interface. In the following the Function and BiFunction interfaces are used to demonstrate partial application - but the same holds for other functional interfaces like Supplier. Given a BiFunction corresponding to the introductory example:

BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> add = (a, b) -> a + b;

To partially apply the function, we need to fix an argument and produce a function which takes one argument. This can be accomplished by:

public static <T, U, R> Function<U, R> partial(BiFunction<T, U, R> f, T x) {
  return (y) -> f.apply(x, y);

The function takes the BiFunction plus an argument and returns a Function. The logic of the created Function calls the given BiFunction applying one fixed and one call argument. The partial function is used as follows:

Function<Integer, Integer> add3 = partial(add, 3);
Assertions.assertEquals(6, add3.apply(3));

The partial function implements a higher-order functions because

  • it takes a function as argument

  • and returns a function as its result

Cool, how lambdas makes functions to first-class citizen of the Java language. But, let’s take the next step.


The add function example works fine, because it doesn’t matter which of the two arguments get fixed. More precisely, the add function is commutative, i.e. it does not matter in which order the arguments are provided, the result will be the same.

If we define a function divide as follows

BiFunction<Integer, Integer, Integer> divide = (a, b) -> a / b;

the order of the arguments provided actually matters, i.e. the function is non-commutative.

The first idea to solve this is to provide two functions, one partially applies the first argument, the second partially applies the second argument:

public static <T, U, R> Function<U, R> partialFirst(BiFunction<T, U, R> f, T x) {
  return (y) -> f.apply(x, y);
public static <T, U, R> Function<T, R> partialSecond(BiFunction<T, U, R> f, U x) {
  return (y) -> f.apply(y, x);

These two functions can then used to fix the first or second argument respectively:

Function<Integer, Integer> divideFourBy = partialFirst(divide, 4);
Assertions.assertEquals(2, divideFourBy.apply(2));
Function<Integer, Integer> divideByTwo = partialSecond(divide, 2);
Assertions.assertEquals(2, divideByTwo.apply(4));

The interface of partialFirst and partialSecond doesn’t look very nice and concise, because you need to select the right function when applying the function arguments partially. This is even more true for functions with higher arity - we’ll come to such functions in a second. From an API point of view, it would be nicer to have just one overloaded partial function, to which you provide all arguments, some fixed, others denoted with placeholders. Let’s first define a placeholder class and instance:

static class Matches {
  public static Matches _any;

This placeholder is then used when defining the overloaded partial function:

public static <T, U, R> Function<U, R> partial(BiFunction<T, U, R> f, T x, Matches m) {
  return (y) -> f.apply(x, y);
public static <T, U, R> Function<T, R> partial(BiFunction<T, U, R> f, Matches m, U x) {
  return (y) -> f.apply(y, x);

When statically importing the placeholder instance Matcher._any the partial application looks like:

Function<Integer, Integer> divideByFour = partial(divide, _any, 4);
Assertions.assertEquals(2, divideByFour.apply(8));
Function<Integer, Integer> divideSixBy = assume(divide, 6, _any);
Assertions.assertEquals(3, divideSixBy.apply(2));

The overloaded partial function feels more concise on usage, because one don’t need to worry about the name of the function for partial application and can provide the all arguments of the original function in the same order.

The next step would be to apply this pattern to functions of higher arity. Functions taking three arguments and map those arguments to one result are usually called tri-function and can be defined in Java as:

public interface TriFunction<T, U, V, R> {
  R apply(T t, U u, V v);
Increasing the arity would result in QuadFunction (4 arguments), QuintFunction (5), SextFunction (6), SeptFunction (7), OctFunction(8) and so on.

The definition of partial applications to generate bi-functions out of tri-functions are straight forward:

public static <T, U, V, R> BiFunction<U, V, R> partial(TriFunction<T, U, V, R> f, T a1, Matches m2, Matches m3) {
  return (x, y) -> f.apply(a1, x, y);
public static <T, U, V, R> BiFunction<T, V, R> partial(TriFunction<T, U, V, R> f, Matches m1, U a2, Matches m3) {
  return (x, y) -> f.apply(x, a2, y);
public static <T, U, V, R> BiFunction<T, U, R> partial(TriFunction<T, U, V, R> f, Matches m1, Matches m2, V a3) {
  return (x, y) -> f.apply(x, y, a3);

The partial function for tri-function arguments can be used very the same way as we’ve done for bi-functions:

TriFunction<Integer, String, List<String>, String> formatter =
   (indent, delimiter, strings) -> " ".repeat(indent) + strings.stream()
BiFunction<Integer, List<String>, String> commaSeparatingFormatter = partial(formatter, _any, ",", _any);
Assertions.assertEquals("   one,two,three",
                        commaSeparatingFormatter.apply(3, Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three")));

Because the tri-function’s partial return a bi-function, for which partial functions are already defined, the calls can be cascaded to partially apply even more arguments:

Function<List<String>, String>
   indentThreeCommaSeparatingFormatter = partial(
                                            partial(formatter, _any, ",", _any), 3, ._any);
Assertions.assertEquals("   one,two,three",
    indentThreeCommaSeparatingFormatter.apply(Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three")));

The implementation of partial application for functions with higher arity is basically the same as for bi- or tri-function.


Lambdas introduced functional programming features into the Java ecosystem. With the exception of processing of streams functional programming techniques seem to be less used by Java programmers, maybe because of the imperative and object oriented history of Java. Nevertheless, adapting functional programming style can be beneficial in Java, too. The partial application of functions shown in this Blog post demonstrated the power of the functional programming style in Java.

Tags: software-design functional java