13 March 2021


Multipart form-data messages are a standard format when submitting HTML forms by web applications. If you want to learn more about the processing of such requests by Jakarta EE JAXRS servers this Blog post might be interesting for you.


In the recent Blog post JAXR Multipart Client I had a look on multipart form-data messages from the perspective of a client. The situation on the server-side is not less difficult.

One might say, that multipart form-data messages are usually used in web applications while JAXRS targets to implement APIs - that might also be the reasoning behind leaving multipart messages out of the JAXRS standard. But you’ll likely find multipart form-data messages in APIs when it comes to file uploads. Furthermore, the coming Jakarta EE 9 standard includes MVC, an action based web application framework, which is build on top of JAXRS. In the context of MVC I’d expect multipart form-data messages as typical use case.

There are several options to process multipart form-data messages by a JAXRS server.

Proprietary Solutions

As always, if the standard does not cover a generally used feature, proprietary solutions are present. Every supplier of a JAXRS implemention provides support of multipart messages. For example JBoss comes with RestEasy Multipart Providers. The API looks simple and straight-forward:

public Response postForm(MultipartFormDataInput input) {

The RestEasy Provider for multipart/form-data messages takes care of the de-marshalling of the HTTP message body and converts them to the Java object MultipartFormDataInput representation.

However, as always, proprietary solutions defeat the most valuable benefit of standards like JAXRS, which is portability. But there are other options to process multipart messages.

Servlet API

The Servlet API supports the processing of multipart messages since version 3.0. Because Servlet requests can be injected into JAXRS resources as context objects, the integration of the APIs is very easy:

public Response formPost(@Context javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request) {

Calling the getParts method on the injected request object returns a collection of javax.servlet.http.Part objects.

I don’t want to go into any detail of such an implementation, but the Blog post File Uploads with JAX-RS 2 by Jason Lee describes a sample implementation of this approach.

Because the Servlet API is rather low-level compared to JAXRS, more application code is typically required. Nevertheless, because of the standard compliance and the plus of portability, I’d prefer the Servlet API approach over proprietary solutions.

JAXRS Solution

If you’re read my Blog post JAXR Multipart Client, you might remember the custom MessageBodyWriter approach presented there. Analogous, we could implement a MessageBodyReader on the server-side. The JAXRS resource would as follows:

public Response postFormData(MultiPartMessage message) {

Objects of type MultiPartMessage are Pojos representing multipart messages, the same as used on the client-side.

Because parsing multipart messages is more difficult than creating them, the implementation of MultiPartMessageBodyReader is more challenging than the MultiPartMessageBodyWriter of the client has been.


I won’t list the entire implementation here, but give you enough information understand the code, you’ll find in the portable-server module of the Multipart/Form-Data Project.

MultiPartMessageBodyReader Class

The MessageBodyReader is the entry point of JAXRS integration:

public class MultiPartMessageBodyReader implements MessageBodyReader<MultiPartMessage> {

	private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MultiPartMessageBodyReader.class);

	public boolean isReadable(Class<?> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations, MediaType mediaType) {
		LOGGER.info("isReadable called with type: {} and mediaType: {}", type, mediaType);
		return MultiPartMessage.class.isAssignableFrom(type)
				&& mediaType.toString().toLowerCase().startsWith("multipart/form-data");

	public MultiPartMessage readFrom(Class<MultiPartMessage> type, Type genericType, Annotation[] annotations,
			MediaType mediaType, MultivaluedMap<String, String> httpHeaders, InputStream entityStream)
            throws IOException, WebApplicationException {

The @Provider annotation declares the class to JAXRS, which calls this reader when the de-marshalling of messages of content type multipart/from-data is required.

The challenging task of the readFrom method is the parsing of the message given as input stream. While the MultiPartMessageBodyReader parses individual parts, the separating of the parts of the input stream is delegated to the PartInputStream. The following diagram show the principle behind:

Multi-part Message Input Streams

The InputStream is wrapped by a PartInputStream, which returns bytes until the boundary is reached. The InputStream can then be wrapped by another PartInputStream, which returns the end-of-file indicator when the next boundary is reached. This goes on till all parts are consumed from the input stream.

PartInputStream Class

Before going into the nifty details of the implementation of the boundary detection, let’s re-cap the structure of the messages, which look for example like:

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="duke.png"
Content-Type: image/png
...binary content of PNG image...
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="name"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="age"

The parts of the message are delimited by the boundary string. Also note, that the content can (partially) be binary. You’ll find the details of message format in RFC 7578 Returning Values from Forms: multipart/form-data.

To detect the boundary, but not consume bytes if some message content looks like the beginning of the boundary, a kind of read-ahead is required. The simplest way to implement such a read-ahead is to use the methods InputStream#mark and InputStream#reset. Therefor, the input stream is wrapped into a BufferedInputStream on demand:

if (!entityStream.markSupported()) {
    LOGGER.debug("Wrap entity input stream to buffered input stream to support mark and reset operations.");
    return new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);
} else {
    return inputStream;

The boundary detection in the method PartInputStream#read relies on the mark/reset mechanism which allows to read-ahead some content and rewind the read position if required.

In addition, the PartInputStream class contains the detection if the last part has been reached.

The implementation does actually have some complexity, but gives the best API user experience.


When it comes to processing of multipart form-data messages by JAXRS servers, it depends on the general condition of the project and the team, which route to go. But because there are alternatives to the proprietary solutions, I’d in almost all cases avoid a non-portable approach.

While the Servlet approach requires code of less complexity, the JAXRS solution is more general and gives a nicer and simpler API for the application developer. Both are viable solutions and choosing one of them is a matter of project circumstances and may be taste.

Tags: multipart-form jaxrs java jakarta-ee