31 December 2020


Dependency injection is often named in one breath with technologies like Spring or Jakarta EE's CDI. But dependency injection is a Software design principle, which is not equal to a particular technology.

Dependency Injection

Dependency injection (DI) is a Software design principle that rules to provide dependencies of a component (a.k.a. collaborators) independent of the component’s business logic, i.e. there’s a clear separation of the concerns

  • business logic

  • resolution of dependencies

Dependency Injection also means, that the component is not responsible for the creation of components it depends on. Do get a better grip on these theoretical considerations, let’s look at some simplified sample code to illustrate the principle.

Without dependency injection a component could be defined like:

public class Foo {

   private A a;
   private B b;

   public Foo() {
      this.a = new A();

   public void bar() {
      C c = new C();

The component Foo depends on the components A, B, and C. These depending components are created in the constructor respectively the (business) method bar.

When introducing dependency injection the component’s definition could look like:

public class Foo {

   private A a;
   private B b;
   private C c;

   public Foo(A a, B b, C c) {
      this.a = a;
      this.b = b;
      this.c = c;

   public void bar() {

The constructor takes instances of its collaborators, the business logic just relies on them. That separates behavior from dependency resolution. In simpler words, it allows the developer to define classes with specific functionality that depends on various collaborators, without having to define how reference to these collaborator will be obtained. In that way, decoupling among the various components is achieved and cleaner code is introduced in general.

Dependency injection also fosters the testability of the components. In particular, unit tests usually require that collaborators are mocked. With dependency injection as shown above, the mocked collaborators can be handed over to the constructor easily. In contrast, when the component creates its collaborators and hard-codes the dependencies, it’s nearly impossible to develop unit tests for the component.

Relation to Inversion of Control

Often Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC) are named at once. Are DI and IoC just a different name for the same thing? well, that’s not the case.

IoC is a much broader concept, which says that the flow of control is reversed. Frameworks designed according to IoC follows the Hollywood Principle, which is characterized by the statement "Don’t call us, we’ll call you": Application code does not call the framework (as it would when using libraries), but the framework calls the application code appropriately. This design concept assists in the development of code with high cohesion and low coupling that is easier to debug, maintain and test.

Dependency injection is just a specific form of inversion of control where the concern being inverted is the process of obtaining the needed dependency.

Dependency Injection Frameworks

In the introduction the mixing of software design principle and implementing technology was mentioned. And it’s true that Spring, Guice, CDI (to name just the most prominent DI frameworks) are in widespread use in projects.

However, every framework used by a project creates a dependency that might make maintenance and migration of the developed application to another platform harder. For that reason, for small projects it could be an option to resign usage of a DI framework entirely.

Typical business applications follow a Boundary-Control-Entity (BCE) design, in which case the boundary layer receives requests. In short, the boundary should host the assembling of all components that process the request. The assembled/created components gets their dependencies injected.

Types of Dependency Injection

Constructor injection as shown above is just one way to implement dependency injection. Dependency injection frameworks usually offers various options to inject dependencies, which are

  • constructor

  • field

  • setter


Which one to use is often subject of heated debates. But I recommend constructor injection for several reasons:

  • it’s the most natural way to provide dependencies in a Java SE environment, i.e. not using a framework

  • required dependencies are communicated to the user of the component by means of the Java language

  • it prevents collaborators from being left to null and getting NullPointerException at runtime (see link below)

  • the number of arguments passed into the constructor signals if a component depends on too many collaborators (avoiding "God" classes) - can be easily checked by Sonarqube or other static code analysis tool

But, regardless which DI type you decide to use in your project, it’s crucial to design software with dependency injection in mind. The maintainer of your software will appreciate it very much - please keep in mind that this could be you :-).

Tags: software-design java dependency-injection